Four Benefits of Hot Yoga Sessions

A trendy physical activity, hot yoga, has become increasingly popular over the years. This technique allows the body to work on low impact high-intensity yoga while opening up one’s mind and body. In sweltering heat up to 105 degrees, participants work on the extensive list of poses. Yoga works all areas of your body, however, hot yoga brings it up a notch even with multiple health benefits. 

What is hot yoga?

Hot yoga is a yoga technique that ensures participants with sweltering temperatures of (90-105 degrees Fahrenheit) to perform roughly 26 yoga poses and two breathing techniques. The poses work on your stamina, your mental health, and working on bodyweight training. 

However, while doing hot yoga, you must make sure you’re hydrating due to the sweltering heat, you will lose a lot of water. So before you attend your course, you should hydrate the night before, during, and after the class. If you do not hydrate properly, it will lead to dehydration due to the intense heat. 

Can you lose weight by doing hot yoga?

Yes, you can lose weight by participating in hot yoga and a lot of calories. These exercises help with balancing weight training on your body. Yoga is all about using one’s body weight and pushing yourself to the limit.  

 The relaxation of the movements also helps with burning fat and boosts mental and heart health. With the intense heat, you might think it is hard to breathe; however, this technique opens your lungs and trains them to retain more air. 

Is hot yoga good for skin?

Due to the intense heat, hot yoga releases toxins during sweating and allows the pores to open, which helps the skin become healthy. 

  • Make sure to bring a towel to for all the sweat you will produce during the class. 
  • The heat and steam allow pores to open, and the best thing to do before you participate in hot yoga is cleansing your face before class.
  • Keep your hair pulled back into a ponytail or bun! If you keep your hair down during the heated class, oils from your hair can transfer to your face and can cause breakouts. 
  • Like any good workout, make sure to hydrate, shower, change clothing, and moisturize after an intense workout. 

Why do you feel good after yoga?

While this may seem like an easy one, it can be tough to let go of the things we love like pizza and ice cream. Cutting back on processed foods will change your body for the better.

  1. Fats: Put good fats into your diet like fish, avocado, olive oil, nuts, beans, and eggs
  1. Carbs: Having substantial carbs can replace ones loaded with refined carbs. Try sweet potatoes, whole grain oats, legumes, quinoa, and bananas
  1. Vitamins and minerals: Get all of your essential vitamins in the food you eat. Invest in colorful fruits and veggies like citrus, carrots, spinach, blueberries, broccoli, and so much more. 

Aside from maintaining a healthy diet, what do you normally find yourself using for energy? If you are someone who relies on high levels of sugar or artificial sugar energy drinks, you may want to take a step back and reconsider how you charge up. These drinks might taste delicious but they can cause dehydration and an elevation in your heart rate.

Bonus tip: Instead of energy drinks try a cup of coffee! In fact, cold brew coffee has a sweet taste and smooth texture. Pour a cup over ice and add a splash of almond milk before you hit the gym! Be sure to drink adequate amounts of water to offset any possibility of dehydration.

What does O Athletik offer for hot yoga?

At O Athletik during our hot yoga classes, our instructors don’t only work on the hot yoga part of the course but also the fundamentals of working on footwork techniques, bodyweight training, and training with resistance bands. O Athletik is a facility that provides the equipment, classes, and trainers necessary to guide you through your health and exercise journey. Housed in a facility that is over 35,000 square feet, O Athletik is an active community where you can work out in a high-tech environment. Becoming a member is easy! 

We look forward to providing you with all the tools you need to transform your mind and body. Click here for a complete schedule of the classes!

Stay on Track

Level up and don’t let other activities and events throw you off course. Whether you’re traveling for work or vacation, you can still pack a few items to help give you a great workout including activewear, resistance bands, jump rope, a foam roller, and a water bottle. Now there’s no need to say that you weren’t prepared or didn’t have what you needed. Simply pick a place outdoors, find a gym nearby, or work out in your hotel room if needed to give you the boost you need to stay on the right track.

At O Athletik, we encourage our clients to enjoy a balanced lifestyle when it comes to diet and exercise. Most importantly, we aim to inform all of our members on how to train like an athlete and get them involved in a variety of activities including our personal trainer programs, kickboxingperformance training for strength, heavyweightsBrazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and so much more.